Hi! Today's post is a wish list from my new favorite online boutique and a little update on my Clara. I'm on the hunt for the cutest girl's backpack because my mid kid is going to start attending MMO (mother's morning out) at our sweet little preschool. My husband and I are still in shock that she is old enough to attend this program. She seems like a baby, she's petite but tough, says only a few words that are understandable to anyone other than me and my husband, and seems to have a fear of listening and doing the right thing. Oh, did I mention that she has the worst manners EVER. She's so dainty when she dresses up or plays and has the highest, sweetest little voice in the entire world but when this girl is ready to eat, WATCH OUT. She slurps chicken, and chews with her mouth open, it's disgusting. I wouldn't have noticed this if my oldest didn't have the best manners. He's chewed with his mouth closed since he was 1 and when he attended MMO his teachers said he was their neatest eater. Not my Clara. She's going to have the same teachers my oldest had but it's going to be a completely different experience for us. She's wild, stubborn and can be quite the bully. I'm worried that we are going to have an incident report every week. I'm sure she'll pull hair, throw cars, and scream if anyone decides to touch her.
We have to try to camouflage her spunk by dressing her super cute and giving her the sweetest little accessories, like a super cute back pack. Here is my wish list from Tiny Tulip Boutique:
I cannot seem to save the images in order to post them but check out this site, I promise you will find something for you or that perfect monogrammed gift.
I must sign out now, I have an early tennis clinic in the morning!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Just a Note To Say...
I hate Netflix. Yep, I said HATE. The very word I try not to use around my kids. I HATE NETFLIX. I'm sorry if you love it or this offends you. I'm not happy with them and I don't know why I tried them out again even for the free trial. It's a gimmick. I can use On Demand and have the same movies without having to wait for the mail or predict what I want to watch by loading up my queue. I decided to try Netflix again because of my new passion for GLEE!! Well, wouldn't you know they left me hanging, the DVD's I need will not be available until September!!!! I thought I would rent them instead of watching them on HULU but really, what's the difference? Oh Glee, I'm hooked on you and I don't know what I'm going to do until I can see you again...will Shu and Ms. Pilsbury get together? Will Rachel become humble? What will happen with Finn and Quinn???!! Ahhhh!
On a sweeter note, my little 4 year old drew a picture of our beloved late Papa. My father in law (greatest man ever) passed away last year and while we try to keep his memory alive daily, sometimes we slide. My sweet 4 year old drew a picture of him today, completely out of the blue and two days ago, after dinner, he told us if we close our eyes we can talk to him and tell him about our day. I wrapped him up in a big hug and made a mental note to talk about Papa every day. His spirit is around us.
No stationery posts today, good night.
On a sweeter note, my little 4 year old drew a picture of our beloved late Papa. My father in law (greatest man ever) passed away last year and while we try to keep his memory alive daily, sometimes we slide. My sweet 4 year old drew a picture of him today, completely out of the blue and two days ago, after dinner, he told us if we close our eyes we can talk to him and tell him about our day. I wrapped him up in a big hug and made a mental note to talk about Papa every day. His spirit is around us.
No stationery posts today, good night.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Paper Concierge Party and Glee!
I had my first show Tuesday and it was great! I'm lucky I have such good friends who support me and ordered way more than I expected. It helps that our stuff is super cute, heehee.
I absolutely adore my sweet friends, I deeply appreciate that they took time out of their day to come to my party but here's a tip, if you want to host a "Coffee and Cupcakes" party, don't invite your skinny friends. No one ate a cupcake, apparently they are on a food strike these days and were interested in coffee and water. My children are grateful and have devoured the cupcakes after lunch every day. Well, my daughter enjoyed them, my son takes 2 bites of the icing and is done, Clara will eat all day if I don't hide the food. Oh, and she appears to lack manners. She chews with her mouth open and slurps everything, including chicken. My oldest has always been a neat eater and chews with his mouth closed.
I have to mention my new obsession: GLEE!! This show makes me happy. I love it more than I love Sex and The City. It's my favorite thing since the movie Center Stage. I seem to have a sick obsession with high school programs, don't know why but I love Gossip Girl and now I love Glee. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. If you haven't seen it, you must rent it now. It's incredible. Better than I thought it would be which is why I'm now just discovering it. I promise you (the 2 readers out there) will love it.
Let me show you a few of the items my friends ordered

Boatman Gellar Pink Stripe Plate
I absolutely adore my sweet friends, I deeply appreciate that they took time out of their day to come to my party but here's a tip, if you want to host a "Coffee and Cupcakes" party, don't invite your skinny friends. No one ate a cupcake, apparently they are on a food strike these days and were interested in coffee and water. My children are grateful and have devoured the cupcakes after lunch every day. Well, my daughter enjoyed them, my son takes 2 bites of the icing and is done, Clara will eat all day if I don't hide the food. Oh, and she appears to lack manners. She chews with her mouth open and slurps everything, including chicken. My oldest has always been a neat eater and chews with his mouth closed.
I have to mention my new obsession: GLEE!! This show makes me happy. I love it more than I love Sex and The City. It's my favorite thing since the movie Center Stage. I seem to have a sick obsession with high school programs, don't know why but I love Gossip Girl and now I love Glee. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. If you haven't seen it, you must rent it now. It's incredible. Better than I thought it would be which is why I'm now just discovering it. I promise you (the 2 readers out there) will love it.
Let me show you a few of the items my friends ordered

Boatman Gellar Pink Stripe Plate
Sibling enclosure cards
Super cute...right? Love these two items and I'll post something I ordered as a wedding gift for a family friend as soon as I receive it.
Have a good night!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Middle Child
I always wanted a middle child. I wanted at least 4 children for as long as I can remember. My husband only ever wanted 2. I now have 3 children. Number 3 was a total miracle that I believe with some help from my father in law had a hand in (I'll save that tear jearker for another post). My middle is my daughter, the one I always wanted. I knew from the beginning of time that I needed a daughter b/c let's face it, a daughter will take care of you in your old age. Plus I wanted a built in best friend. I wanted a middle child because several of my closest friends are middle children and they are the responsible ones, maybe they over compensated to get attention I don't care, I just knew I wanted one. My prayers were answered and when she was born, she was so easy, I just had a feeling she was going to be my middle child.
My angel. My middle child.
Perfect. Sweet. My dream child. Everything I wanted, a sweet little girl.
This child is very girlie...most of the time
This is the same little girl. (taken with iphone)
You may think I left her alone for 10 minutes to get in this trouble (like my mother assumed), if you have a 17 month old, you know you can't leave them alone for 2 minutes!! My precious daughter loves dirt. She has dug up a patch of sod to get to the dirt. My baby was about 1 month when this was taken so we put a little plastic pool in the back yard for her to play in, instead of taking 30 minutes to load everyone up and go to the pool and this is what she did. She had so much fun making mud I didn't have the heart to stop it. This is a list of her favorite things:
- Mud
- Toilet water
- Eat Markers
- Poo in the tub
- Poo in her crib
- Rip her diaper off several times a day
- Barney
- Food, food, food
- Poke new baby in the eye and sit on him
- Torture big brother
Now back to the main reason for my blog: STATIONERY! My girl friend and I were discussing proper etiquette in sending thank you notes and when you should send them and enclosure cards. I think we have become so lazy we forget how nice it is to receive a note after an event or dinner you host and the simplicity of an enclosure card.
Here is one of my favorite flat note cards:
Donovan Design and is available at my website.
Lilly Enclosure card...also available on my website!
Happy Wednesday to all!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dinner for New Mom
Hi! I hope you all (all 2 of my readers, including my sister) had a great weekend. I was just talking to my bestie about what to cook for a new mom or a repeat new mom, I had my 3rd child in March and I was fortunate to have several girl friends drop off dinner for me and my family. If you haven't done this for a new mom, you must do it immediately! It's the best give you can give her and remember, just drop off the food and RUN. Don't plan on hanging out unless your friend invites you to do so. I also recommend using a website to organize it and start the dinners the second week they're home. In my experience the first week is a whirl wind and the husbands are usually home and you have more help, the following weeks is when dinner is needed and very much appreciated. My friend set up my dinners through a web host and then sent an email blast out and people signed up what and when they were bringing and everyone could view it so we didn't have duplicates. GENIUS. I was also able to list any food restrictions. I digress, my point is, one of my favorite meals was tacos. It's easy and everyone in my family will eat tacos. My girlfriend gave us everything we needed for tacos: ground beef, a bag of shredded cheese, side of black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, Mexican rice, fresh salsa and a bag of tortilla chips. Oh, and she brought guacamole! Don't forget the six pack of Corona's plus limes!! She also made the best dessert, some brownie concoction with Reese's cups!! DELISH!
You can top off your gift by bringing the baby some stationery. Here are a couple of my favorites from Paper Menu:

You can top off your gift by bringing the baby some stationery. Here are a couple of my favorites from Paper Menu:

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Askew Designs, Hicks Paper and Whitney English....samples
Hi! I'm so excited my samples arrived Wednesday afternoon!! I was tickled pink with all of my goodies! I cannot to wait to host my first Coffee and Cupcakes get together with my Tennis Tootsies and my LPPS mommies!! I realize I have used a ridiculous amount of ! in the first 3 sentences but I am beyond thrilled with the merchandise and I want to share a few of my favorites with you.
This candle by Whitney English is so fragrant as soon as you take off the plastic wrap the wonderful aroma permeates the entire room...I promise!
This invitation is one of my favorites for a Linens shower, it's from Askew design.
I love, love, love this placemat from Hicks paper...my daughter would love to eat off this every day!
All of the above items are available at my store. Please visit and take a peek around, you will not be disappointed.
This candle by Whitney English is so fragrant as soon as you take off the plastic wrap the wonderful aroma permeates the entire room...I promise!
This invitation is one of my favorites for a Linens shower, it's from Askew design.
I love, love, love this placemat from Hicks paper...my daughter would love to eat off this every day!
All of the above items are available at my store. Please visit and take a peek around, you will not be disappointed.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Post 4th
I hope everyone had a great holiday! We had a blast, we were at my mother in law's beach condo. The day was beautiful plus it was my daughter's first time on the beach since last summer!! We never take her because she is 19 months and all mother's of 19 month olds know why we never take her. To our surprise, she was an angel. Thankfully she was afraid of the ocean, so we made sand castle's all day. She's usually the daredevil and jumps right into the pool without fear so I was relieved that she wanted to play in the mud. We left our sweet little 3 month old in the condo with Nini (grandma) and my husband and 4 year old son played in the ocean. They were so cute riding the waves. Today was a nice relaxing day, I cleaned, did laundry and then we settled in for a late afternoon movie with the sprouts. Here are a couple of pics of the sprouts on the beach, might be blurry as they were shot with my phone. Enjoy!
He loves to pose for the camera!
He loves to pose for the camera!
She refused to look at me, so serious about sandcastles.
I almost forgot to add a picture of my favorite notes today:
I almost forgot to add a picture of my favorite notes today:
Go Gators!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thank You Boatman Geller!
Hi! I have been playing (attempting to play) tennis for 4 months and I love it! I'm not good, in fact my tennis pro suggested I practice tossing the ball with my 4 year old to improve my hand/eye coordination. YIKES! I'm that bad. I still love it and I vow to get better, and now I need accessories to accompany my new passion, which leads me to Boatman Geller.
Check out these cute note cards:
and this plate
Plate and note cards can be found at http://mvenus.paperconcierge.com/view_product/6488//Tennis_Plate
Socks can be found at http://www.slamglam.com/k-bell-team-tennis-socks.html
I must have this bag from http://www.clubcontessa.com/libateto.html
How cute are these items?!?!? I'm so excited to have a new hobby besides dressing my kids!
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